Mozliwosc zbierania lootu z potworow za moca systemu. (nie potrzeba otwierania cial potworow!)
Szukamy w gorny prawym pasku autoloota i klkamy na ikone
Zastanawiasz sie jak dodac dany itemy do autoloota? Juz tlumacza jesli juz masz otwarte okno (AutoLoot) to wystarczy kliknac (Add to list) i wyskoczy nam okno i w tym oknie trzeba napisac dany items np. (Gold, Senzu) i automatyczie sie pokaze jak nazalaczonym obrazku
You will receive this item as part of the quests and in the SMS store.
We added Upgrading crystal to the game.It is available from monsters, quest, bosses and sms shop.
You can change this item for items to upgrade swords and gloves. You can change it in NPC Lady Crystal. You can change it for 1 random crystal from 4 available.
- 2nd The crystal can upgrade weapons and you have a 50% chance of success
- 3rd The crystal can upgrade weapons and you have a 30% chance of success
- 4th The last crystal turns the weapon into a glove/sword/ball and you have a 10% chance of success.
You can crafting to max 4 level.
Good luck!